Sunday, February 28, 2010


last friday g jln2 kt ikea.mama kate nk cri drawer bru for my adik.
for the 1st time g ikea x sesat pgi n balik.wah3!ad kemajuan.
umat manusia yg ramai x pyh cerita la.then we all jalan2,pusing2,tengok.
ade la yg b'knan n my mom was very interested with all the white furniture..

masa nk balik tu,kitorg naikla lif n i tlg la tekankan button lif tu n ade 1 chinese family ni masuk with 2 trolleys.ade la ank2 die dlm 9 or 10 yrs old.the son asik ckp tq je coz i tekankan the open button n wait for them to come inside n went outside the lift.
so,i just terfikir 'wa,bagusnye bdak cine nih'.that prooves that rakyat m'sia nih masih b'budi bahasa walaupun ade segelintir yg mcm hampeh.hahaha.


bile all the chinese da kuar,adela 2,3 org masuk.pastu ade bdak pompuan ni ketuk blakang i.
ingtkan ade bdak manela nk ckp tq lagi coz i stiil pressed the button when they walked into the lift.pusing2 je,laa...illy rupe nye.adik mint.wif her sister,iman n bro-in-law.

nk balik pn still problem sbb parking kt p2 tp cri kete kt p1.ptutla tnggu abah lama sgt.x jumpe kete rupenye.
haha.lawk btol.

PENGAJARANNYA : rajin2la pgi IKEA!

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